
【語学留学】#17 第5文型 SVOC Object complements



今日は、【留学先生日記】#17 第5文型 SVOC Object complementsを説明します。中学3年生で習う第5文型ですが、”第5文型”という言葉は高校生で習います。私は、高校生で初めて習った文型もつまずいたポンコツなのでわからない人の気持ちがわかります。そんなヤツが何となく説明していくので最後まで読んでいただけると嬉しいです。


embarrassed: feeling ashamed
frustrated: feeling upset because something is preventing you from doing something
mad: feeling angry
tense: feeling nervous or anxious
communicate clearly: to talk about or explain things in a clear way
follow instructions: to do what you are supposed to do
have experience: to know how to do something well because you have done it before
meet deadlines: to finish something on time

第5文型 SVOC

An object complement is a noun or adjective that comes after a direct object and renames or describes the direct object.

• Object complements are commonly used with certain verbs, such as call, consider, elect, find, and make.
• The complement can be a noun phrase (e.g., president of the company) or an adjective phrase (e.g., easy to understand).

第5文型 SVOC

It makes me uncomfortable.


語順に関しては全く難しくありませんが、目的語O=補語Cになるイメージができていればかんたんに理解できます。中学生では、目的語O=補語Cとは教えず、call A B “AをBと呼ぶ”のようにイディオムとして覚えます。高校生になると第5文型として覚えます。


Combine the sentences into one sentence that has an object complement.
1. We saw him. He was working late.
2. They elected Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones became president.
3. I found the email. It was sitting in my inbox.
4. They will be painting my office. It will be light blue.
5. We heard the copy machine. It was making strange noises.
6. She considered the award. It was an honor.

Read each conversation. Complete the reply with a direct object and object complement, using the words in parentheses. Change verbs as needed.
7. A: Traffic is terrible here!
B: | hate it, too. It (make / frustrated)
8. A: Did the boss like your presentation yesterday?
B: Yes, she (find / interesting)
9. A: Are you the new manager?
B: Yes, I’m Robert, but please (call / Rob)
10. A: The coffee is not very good this morning.
B: I know. Someone (make / too strong)
11. A: Gaby, your office is always so clean!
B: Thanks. I like to (keep / neat)
12. A: I’m glad they’re painting these dull white walls.
B: Me too. They’re going to (paint / yellow)
13. A: I heard Amir is getting a promotion.
B: Yes, they are (make / a senior designer)
14. A: Our new project is going to be huge!
B: That’s for sure. It will (keep / busy)
15. A: How do you like working with the people at that new company?
B: Unfortunately, I am (find / difficult to work with)

A.1. We saw him working late
2. They elected Mr. Jones president.
3. I found the email (sitting) in my inbox.
4. They will be painting my office light blue.
5. We heard the copy machine (making) strange noises.
6. She considered the award an honor.
7. makes me frustrated
8. found it interesting
9. call me Rob
10. made it too strong
11. keep it neat
12. paint them yellow
13. making him a senior designer
14. keep us busy
15. finding them difficult to work with


第5文型 SVOC Object complementsでした。中学3年生で習うものですが、詳しくは高校生でやります。たいした説明ができないポンコツが、ムダを省いてかんたんにまとめてみました。


  • 入会金・年会費永年無料
  • カードを持っているだけで海外旅行中にあった事故の補償が受けられる
  • お得なレートで海外ATMを使って現地通貨をキャッシング
  • VISAだから世界中どこでも使いやすい、タッチ決済機能もある
  • 優待店が10,000店舗以上ある






