今日は、過去進行形とwhile, when Past continuous with while and whenを説明します。過去進行形は中学2年生で習う文法で、高校生になっても習います。”〜していた”なんてイメージをもっていると思います。私もそうです。簡単に説明すると過去に起きたことが続いていることです。日本語の過去進行形を習わなくても自然に日本人で日本で生活していたら使えますよね。カナダで生活していて英語の過去進行形をわりかし使うので、大切な文法だと感じました。
過去進行形とwhile, when Past continuous with while and whenを説明するうえでいくつか事前に学んでおくと良いVocabularyがあるので紹介します。意味を全て英語で説明しています。今回そこまで、難しい単語ではありませんが、日本の学校ではあまり学ばないものが多く、ネイティブスピーカーがよく使うものなので、覚えると日常会話で使えます。
grab a cup of coffee: to get a cup of coffee quickly, on your
way somewhere
oversleep: to sleep later than you planned to
run late: to be late on your way somewhere
rush out the door: to leave a place quickly
catch the bus: to get on the bus before it leaves
make it on time: to arrive somewhere on time
Vocabulary Practice
Complete the statements with words from ”Vocabulary.”
1. If a meeting is important, you need to ( ).
2. if your alarm clock doesn’t, you could ( ).
3. If you are in a hurry, you ( ).
4. If you car don’t have to eat, you should at least ( ).
5. If you car doesn’t work, you need to ( ).
6. If you miss the bus, you will ( ).
A.1. make in on time 2. oversleep 3. rush out the door
4. grab a cup of coffee 5. catch the bus 6. run late
過去進行形とwhile, when
Use the past continuous with while and when to show that one action was in progress when a second action occurred.

• The action in the while / when clause happened first.
While I was waiting for the bus, people gave me strange looks.
(happened first)(happened second)
• The when / while clause may appear at the beginning or end of a sentence.
While I was getting dressed, the baby woke up.
The baby woke up while / I was getting dressed,
• When / while clauses are dependent clauses. They must be used with independent clauses:
When I was getting on the elevator, / I got some more looks.
(dependent clause)(independent clause)
Past continuous with while and when
While I was waiting for the bus, people gave me strange looks.
(happened first)(happened second)
While I was going to junior high school and high school, I overslept almost every morning and ran late. One day, my teacher and my friends picked me up.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. While I (walk) down the street, I (see) an accident.
2. While Kay (drive) to work, her car (run out) of gas.
3. When I (get) dressed, I accidently (put on) two different socks!
4. Jon’s boss (walk) in while he (play) a game on his phone.
5. When they (surf), they (see) a shark!
6. We were so tired! We (not hear) a thing when we (sleep).
7. While they (sing) on stage, the microphones (stop) working.
8. The soccer player (hurt) himself when he (kick) the ball.
Read the timeline Mei’s life. Write sentences with the verb in parentheses. Use correct tense.
Mei’s life Timeline
1985(Born in China)
1991(start learning English)
2003(gets scholarship starts college in California)
2005(gets a part-time job meets Tony)
2007(starts work at NET)
2010(finishes graduate school)
2011(gets married gets promised)
2013(stats own business)
2014(has a baby daughter)
2015(expends business)
9. (live in China / start learning English)
10. (live in China/ get a college scholarship)
11. (get a part-time job/ attend college)
12. (go to college/ meet Adam)
13. (start work at NET/ go to graduate school)
14. (work at NET/ gets married)
15. (run her own business/ have her daughter)
16. (raise her daughter/ expand her business)
1. was walking, saw
2. was, driving, saw
3. was getting, put on
4. Walked, was playing
5. were surfing, saw
6. didn’t hear, were sleeping
7. were singing, stopped
8, hurt, was kicking
9. While she was living in China, she started learning English.
10. While she was living in China, she got a college scholarship.
11. She got a part-time job while she was attending college.
12. While she was going to college, she met Tony.
13. When she was started work at NET, she went to graduate school.
14. While she was working at NET, she got married.
15. While she was running her own business, she had her daughter.
16. When she was raising her daughter, she expanded her business.
以上が過去進行形とwhile, when Past continuous with while and whenでした。中学2年生で習う文法なのでバンクーバーに来てからほぼ毎日使っていると思います。今回は脱線せず、ポンコツが、ムダを省いてかんたんにまとめてみました。みなさんは私みたいに毎日寝坊しないでくださいwww