今日は、【留学先生日記】#12 間接疑問文 Embedded questionsを説明します。今日紹介するものは、中学3年生で習う文法です。”駅の場所知ってますか?”のようにたずねる文です。一般的に考えれば、”Where is the station?”で通じますが、細かいニュアンスを伝えるのに必要なものなので、少し高度な疑問文だと思ってください。洒落た感じと例えます。ポンコツ不登校が何となく説明していくので最後まで読んでいただけると嬉しいです。
2日連続で学校に登校しました。めっちゃ疲れますが、けっこう友だち作れます。小学生のときのまま多動児がそのまま大人になっただけですwww ガチャガチャした大人ですwww
間接疑問文 Embedded questions
Embedded questions are questions inside other statements or questions.
Embedded questions are more polite than direct questions.
Direct wh-questions

Embedded questions

• Embedded questions often appear after introductory phrases, such as Do you know, Can you tell me, I don’t know, I’m not sure, I’d like to know, or Would you mind explaining.
• Use statement word order in embedded questions. The subject always comes before the verb.
・The auxiliary verbs do, does, and did do not appear in the embedded question.
以上が英語での説明です。正直よくわかりませんよねwww 私は小学生の頃から国語が嫌いで、全く興味がなかったので、中学生まで疑問文と間接疑問文の違いが全くわかりませんでした。別にどっちでもよくね?って思いますが、みなさんはどうですか?
(疑問文)What is the password?
(間接疑問文)Do you know what the password is?
(疑問文)When are we meeting?
(間接疑問文)I don’t know when we are meeting.
間接疑問文Embedded questionsの語順をかんたんに説明すると、wh-wordの後の語順が疑問文の語順と異なります。疑問詞が主語、動詞の語順になるので注意してください!
Rewrite each question as an embedded question.
1. Where is the copier?
Do you know where ( )?
2. When does Ava need this?
Can you tell me when ( )?
3. Why are my files missing?
I don’t understand why ( ).
4. Where is Mona?
Do you know where ( )?
5. How do we install the program?
Can you explain how ( )?
6. What should I do about this problem?
I’m not sure what ( ).
7. Where can I find some pens?
Do you know where ( )?
8. When are we meeting?
Can you tell me when ( )?
9. Who should I email about this?
I don’t know who ( ).
Read the email. Rewrite each question as an embedded question.
Subject: Project meeting
From: May Chen
TO: Paula
Hi Paula,
I’m new to the design department. (Today is my first day!) My manager, Carlos, asked me to come to the project meeting tomorrow. He said to email you for more information about the meeting. I have a few questions.
Where is the meeting?
What time does it start?
What is the purpose of the meeting?
Who is attending?
What topics are we discussing?
How can I access the project documents?
What do I need to bring?
How do I add my name to the meeting list?
Thanks so much for your help!
10. Do you know ( )?
11. I don’t know ( ).
12. I’m not sure ( ).
13 Do you know ( )?
14. Can you tell me ( )?
15. Can you explain ( )?
16. I don’t know ( ).
17. Can you tell me ( )?
A.1. the copier is 2. Ava needs this 3. my files are missing 4. Mona is
5. we install the program 6. I should do about this problem
7. I can find some pens 8. we are meeting 9. should email about this
10. where the meeting is 11. what time it starts
12. what the purpose of the meeting is13. who is attending
14. what topics we are discussing 15. how I can access the project documents 16. what I need to bring 17. how I add my name to the meeting list
以上が間接疑問文 Embedded questionsでした。中学3年生で習います。受験の寸前に習うので、意外と抜けている人がいると思います。私は、高校生になってから知ったものですwww 実際に授業で教えたことありますが、個人的にしっくりこない文法です。ポンコツが、ムダを省いてかんたんにまとめてみました。